Linux @ 02 January 2012, “No Comments”

Recently i tried pacpl in ubuntu and it was successful. But when i had the mp3 file my mp3 player could not stream it, so i re-encoded it using audacity. I guess lame and twolame packages are required for this operation, before this check that you can play the video on your favorite video player, that is the video decoders are available.

Linux @ 06 June 2011, “2 Comments”

I used the information on Now comes the discussion part from Marizu :

I’ve just managed to get this scanner working.

Firstly, you need to get a copy of the scanner’s firmware.
It will be in the Windows install (assuming you have it). The filename is Artec48u.usb
I googled on the filename, downloaded the Windows driver and extracted it on a Windows box to get the file.

Copy the Artec48.usb file to /usr/share/sane/artec_eplus48u/.
I made the file Artec48.usb readable by everyone, using chmod a+r Artec48.usb.
You should ensure that your user is in the scanner group (Administration->Users and Groups)

In the file /etc/sane.d/artec_eplus48u.conf you should find the following section:

# Since the UMAX AstraSlim SE uses a different product id, we add
# another usb section here.
usb 0x05d8 0x4009
option artecFirmwareFile /usr/share/sane/artec_eplus48u/Artec48.usb
option vendorString “UMAX”
option modelString “AstraSlim SE”
option ePlusPro 0

(I needed to add the line, option ePlusPro 0, or my scans had weird color banding problems).

That got mine working!

Thank you Marizu

Linux @ 11 April 2011, “No Comments”

This was an annoying error when I wanted to upgrade my Ubuntu. I realized that the error was because of the Nvidia packages installed on my system, where my graphics card is ATI.

Linux @ 05 February 2011, “No Comments”


ps -e
Linux @ 05 February 2011, “No Comments”

Taken from here.

how to open files as root user via right click

Insert the following lines into the new file

gksudo "gnome-open $uri" &

Save the file and make it executable:

chmod +x $HOME/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/Open\ as\ root
Linux @ 05 February 2011, “No Comments”

Look at here.

Key point is gconf-editor

In order to add the configuration editor to the gnome menu follow

System -> Preferences -> Main Menu

and select System Tools tab. Check Configuration Editor button. That’s it

Linux, ns 2 @ 30 January 2011, “1 Comment”

This address makes that thing. I did not have time to give a try but you can share your opinions if you have tried 🙂

Linux @ 30 January 2011, “No Comments”

There are good discussions about mounting iso files in ubuntu in ubuntu forums. I tried the nautilus script thing and it is really good indeed. A summary of ubuntu forums is made in an alternative site.

Linux, MATLAB @ 30 January 2011, “No Comments”

When I was searching something I found the following script from a far-east site. Edit the .desktop file as:
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Matlab 2010b
Comment=Matlab:The Language of Technical Computing
Exec=sh /usr/local/MATLAB/R2010b/bin/matlab -desktop

Linux @ 30 January 2011, “No Comments”

You can look at here.