Linux @ 24 January 2017, Comments Off on ScreenRecorder and Sound settings Ubuntu
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maarten-baert/simplescreenrecorder
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install simplescreenrecorder
# if you want to record 32-bit OpenGL applications on a 64-bit system:
sudo apt-get install simplescreenrecorder-lib:i386

Linux @ 15 November 2016, Comments Off on Adjust Raspbian screen resolution for Raspberry

iPhone, Linux @ 11 July 2014, Comments Off on Create ringtones for iphone on Ubuntu

The packages which should be used is “sound converter” and “gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse”
For your interest detailed studies are located at :


Linux @ 14 June 2014, “No Comments”


Recently I am trying to use Xubuntu on my low-end laptop. There is a problem, obviously, for VNC connections.
Here are some related web-pages. I am trying to find a startup script for x11vnc now.

Then I mixed the findings from and then created  X11VNC.desktop at home/.config/autostart the contents of the desktop file is (Autostart is a wrong directory name the correct one will be autostart)

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=x11vnc -forever -usepw -httpport 5900

Linux @ 03 November 2013, “No Comments”

comes from

ffmpeg -ss 00:00:30.0 -t 00:00:10.0 -i input.wmv -acodec copy -vcodec copy -async 1 output.wmv

that is
-ss : start time
-t : duration after the start

Linux @ 20 August 2013, “No Comments”

Hi, a few weeks ago I received the wi-fi receiver that I bought from ebay, which has a rt 5370 chipset. The receiver is plug-n-use (it has drivers in the kernel) in ubuntu 12.04 but my desktop could not recognize it. So here is how to install the drivers for it.

Warning : in case of a site crash keep your drivers folder in a safe place, because when you upgrade the kernel version you will need to recompile all of the driver files.

I used the steps in ubuntu forums located at here. However I was not successful at all. Then I tried to follow the steps in the installation readme file. I think the key point is :

$cp RT2870STA.dat  /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat

See you.

Linux @ 15 July 2013, “No Comments”

A good dya for me. I installed ubuntu 12.04 to my brand new laptop and afterwards I see that my ubuntu was booting into black screen. It is a dual boot with Win7. What I did many times is (in mixed order)

– Did a boot-repair

– Update initramfs

– Removed all nvidia packages

– Edit the boot option for “nomodeset”

– Edit the boot option for “no splash”

– Make a fresh reinstall, with internet off.

…. and many more none of them worked.

SOLUTION : I unplugged the receiver of my Logitech wireless mouse from the USB connector. It sounds weird but it works, at least for me.

Please kindly tell your comments.

Linux @ 11 June 2013, “No Comments”

Today I managed to install a stock ROM on my P7500. was really helpful for using Odin.


1- Run Odin v 1.85

2- Click PDA and select the md5 file you want to flash

3- Turn off your tab and turn it on in the download mode : Push power on and the volume down button at the same time

4- connect the tab to your USB of your PC.

5- Press volume up button. (more times if required)

6- Click Start in Odin. Let it go !!











Linux @ 18 May 2013, Comments Off on My fstab file


# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
proc	/proc	proc	defaults	0	0
/dev/sda1	/	ext3	relatime,errors=remount-ro	0	1
#Entry for /dev/sda3 :
UUID=7bf98501-4686-41fd-b7e3-151e78f05184	/home	ext3	relatime,user_xattr	0	2
#Entry for /dev/sdb1 :
#UUID=7618EFC718EF8509	/media/ANA_BOLUM	ntfs-3g	defaults,locale=en_US.utf8	0	0
#/dev/sda1	/media/C	ntfs-3g	defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8	0	0
UUID=7618EFC718EF8509	/media/C	ntfs-3g	defaults,locale=en_US.utf8	0	0
#Entry for /dev/sda2 :
UUID=A00DD53631EC6D2B	/media/F	ntfs-3g	defaults,locale=en_US.utf8	0	0
#Entry for /dev/sdb2 :
UUID=2FB80278A3F119B9	/media/D	ntfs-3g	defaults,locale=en_US.utf8	0	0
#Entry for /dev/sda4 :
UUID=d8c7fd7d-f22c-4c5d-bff3-bb41eb2fc881	none	swap	sw	0	0
/dev/scd0	/media/cdrom0	udf,iso9660	user,noauto,exec,utf8	0	0
<code>/dev/sda3 /media/windows ntfs defaults 0 0</code>
Linux @ 27 April 2013, “No Comments”

This link was very helpful indeed.

ALso make your printer shared through System -> Administration -> Printing right click your printer and make it shared accordingly.

I printed documents via Win 7 starter through my Ubuntu desktop.


Another common use of Samba is to configure it to share printers installed, either locally or over the network, on an Ubuntu server. Similar to the section called “Samba File Server” this section will configure Samba to allow any client on the local network to use the installed printers without prompting for a username and password.

For a more secure configuration see the section called “Securing a Samba File and Print Server”.


Before installing and configuring Samba it is best to already have a working CUPS installation. See the section called “CUPS – Print Server” for details.

To install the samba package, from a terminal enter:

sudo apt-get install samba


After installing samba edit /etc/samba/smb.conf. Change the workgroup attribute to what is appropriate for your network, and change security to share:

   workgroup = EXAMPLE
   security = user

In the [printers] section change the guest ok option to yes:

   browsable = yes
   guest ok = yes

After editing smb.conf restart Samba:

sudo restart smbd
sudo restart nmbd

The default Samba configuration will automatically share any printers installed. Simply install the printer locally on your Windows clients.


On my 10.04 server I installed the printer drivers but now my 14.04 Laptop can not see the printer shared. So for my 14.04 I followed the steps told at My search term was Processing – Unable to connect to CIFS host, will retry in 60 seconds