iPhone @ 20 January 2017, “No Comments”

Hi, guys. In this entry I will try to tell about my experience with iCloud lock removal process service offered by many different companies. My experience was with officialiphoneunlock.co.uk/ iphoneimei.net

I submitted my IMEI and waited for almost 4 days. The result is NOT ABLE TO DO THAT due to the phone is marked as lost/stolen.

They also have another website checking if your iPhone is lost/stolen. Guess what any IMEI you write there seems to be clean. But after you get the service and it is said that your phone is not unlockable, BAM, IMEI checking site changes it from OK to NOT OK.

Long story in short, this seems to be SCAM. However, they say that “we already state this in our USER AGREEMENT form that an iPhone marked as lost/stolen cannot be unlocked”.

This is a good experience for me and I wish you also use this experience.

iPhone, Linux @ 11 July 2014, Comments Off on Create ringtones for iphone on Ubuntu

The packages which should be used is “sound converter” and “gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse”
For your interest detailed studies are located at :



iPhone @ 02 September 2012, “2 Comments”

Although I have flu, today is one of the good days for me. I unlocked my iPhone 4S today (AT&T USA). I used the service provided by officialiphoneunlock.co.uk. To be honest, since they are not using a secure payment method like paypal, at first, I was a little bit afraid. However, I thought, using that phone freely was worth a try. Yesterday night I got an e-mail from them stating that my phone was unlocked. 🙂

To inform you, I didn’t do any “connect to itunes” process. Suddenly I saw the AVEA logo when I inserted the sim card. Before doing that, by the thought of having to make a restore process, I was downloading the latest firmware. I did’nt understand why that happened in that way but, who cares? it is unlocked. :))

– iCloud LOCK removal READ THIS

iPhone @ 03 May 2012, “12 Comments”

of course NOT. gsmfast.net is nothing but only SCAM. I already paid 125$ to them. At the beginning they respond well but after you pay they give no answers to your questions. Shafferan Allie and E….o S……g are the people I know among them. their e-mail addresses are gsmlocks@gmail.com gsmfastez@ymail.com e………..g@mac.com. Stay away from them. Spread this writing to people who you love. If you try to do this kind of job want a good testimonial from them. They can only say: “you can see our reputation on yahoo answers”. I started to comment their answers as FLOODING on answers.yahoo.com. You can do too. I will include their questions and answers here too.

The good side is I put a dispute on Paypal and got my money back.

Note : In the comments there is someone who claims that he is one of the people among them (E….o S…..g) and he makes a point in the discussion

Note 2 : I see that this post is a hot topic for unlockers. I do not understand why these thieves are the most popular result on google.com. They steal but they are popular. Please read my other post about officialiphoneunlock.co.uk and DO NOT FORGET : want a good testimonial from the people you work with! Thanks

– A personal Appeal : Can you guys sign the petition for Native Google Drive App for Linux?

– iCloud LOCK removal READ THIS

iPhone @ 01 April 2012, “2 Comments”

iPhone 4S 16GB Beyaz
Telefon hiç açılmamış jelatinli kutusundaydı. Amerika’dan yeni gelmişti. Beyazdır. Simfree yani istediğiniz hatla çalışır vaziyettedir.
1 yıl uluslararası garantisi vardır.
Güvenlik nedeni ile iade kabul etmeyeceğimi söylediğim halde telefonu kullanmayı bilmeyen bir kişi şarjı çabuk bitiyor iddiası ile ille de geri vermek istedi ben de geri aldım, yani telefon artık ikinci el olmuş oldu ve tekrar ilan açıyorum. Ben de kullandım ve belirtilen şikayet ile alakası yok telefonun. Takas ve pazarlık düşünmüyorum. Teşekkürler.
İyi alışverişler.

İlanı inceleyenlere önemli not : Bu siteden alışveriş yapmaya niyetliyseniz eğer her türlü riski göze alacaksınız “Ben garantili isterim” diyen varsa eğer mesaj atsın 2500 TL’den GET ile garantili ve faturalı telefon da satabilirim.
iPhone kullanmayı bilmeyenlere önemli not : Telefonun edge, 3G ve GPS’ini açıp da telefonu haldır huldur kullanırsanız şarjı tabi ki çabuk biter. Bunlar tam olarak telefon değil ki, bunlar akıllı telefon.



Şimdi de gelelim mesaj atanların cevaplarına :

1- Arkadaş bu fiyata bu kadar telefon olur mu? biraz kafayı çalıştırın, Bir de abi son fiyat mı, pazarlık var mı diye soranlar var, bunlara da üstüne para vermeyi düşünüyorum.

2- Telefoncu arkadaşlar koskoca simfree yazısını görmüyor, bir de “sen bana söyle ben anlarım ben telefoncuyum” diyor, memnun oldum ben de saksıyım!

3- Bir de kapıda ödemeciler var, arkadaşım gidin kendinize başka bir uğraş bulun. Bunu okuyan arkadaşlar da kapıda ödeme ile hiç uğraşmasın en basitinden açsın GET’ini alan adam her türlü alır. 5-10 liranın hesabını yapıyorlar.



iPhone @ 15 February 2012, “No Comments”


Elimde Gevey sim kartlar var gittigidiyor.com veya sahibinden.com üzerinden satabilirim. Benle irtibata geçmeniz gerekir. Baseband 4.10.01 ve altı destekleniyor.


Bir arkadaş irtibata geçti ve hepsini gönderdim. Hayrını görsün.

iPhone @ 04 January 2012, “No Comments”

The very last version of iTunes is crashing on my AMD computers. Am I being punished?

iPhone @ 17 September 2011, “No Comments”

These were for my iPhone 3G running OS 3.1.3

How to backup Contacts :

Navigate to /private/var/mobile/Library/AddressBook
There will be two files save them on your computer.

How to backup Messages :

Navigate to /private/var/mobile/Library/SMS
Save sms.db on your computer

How to backup Calendar:

Navigate to /private/var/mobile/Library/Calendar
Copy Calendar.sqlitedb to your computer

How to backup Notes:

Navigate to /private/var/mobile/Library/Notes
Copy notes.db and notes.idx to your computer

How to backup your Call History:

Navigate to /var/mobile/Library/CallHistory/
copy call_history.db to your computer

Photos : 

